14 UTC Saturday to 14 UTC Sunday in the first weekend of October, in the same time with the IARU Region 1 UHF-SHF contest.
For 2021: October 2-3
Band: 432 MHz, 1296 MHz & 2320 MHz
Modes: CW, SSB and FM
Section A: SO 70cm (432MHz) LP (<50w)
Section B: SO 70cm (432MHz) HP (>50w)
Section C: MO 70cm (432MHz) regardless power
Section D: SO 23 cm (1,2 GHz)
Section E: MO 23 cm (1,2 GHz)
Section F: SO 13 cm (2,3GHz)
Section G: MO 13 cm (2,3GHz)
1 point/km. No multiplier
Radioclub QSO Banat Timisoara
All logs must be uploaded in EDI format in 10 days from contest date end date.
Every (correctly) received log (in the receiving period) will be put in the final results.
The organizers will try to gather as many logs as possible to be used during crosschecking.
Judging of entries will be done according to the general rules for IARU REGION 1 VHF/UHF/SHF contests.
The organizer of Banat UHF-SHF Contest will award certificates for first 3 entries of each section – international and YO results.
If there are less than 10 participants in a section then the organizer will award just the winner with the Certificate.
For QSO validation, additional check-logs will be used. These check-logs will be obtained, when possible, from the organizers of other contests taking place in the same time.
QSOs made with stations which haven’t sent logs, and their log was not obtained from organizers of other contests will be scored as follows:
- zero points if the call is unique (can’t be found in any other logs)
- if the worked call is present in other logs, the QSO is valid if:
- the received serial number is correlated with the time of the QSO
- the received QTH locator is the same as the one received by the majority
- The call HA8XYZ appears in five received logs. If the serial number received from HA8XYZ is increasing with the time of the QSO on all available logs, the QSO with HA8XYZ will be valid
- The call HA8XYZ appears in 10 received logs. In 8 logs received QTH is KN06LN, and in 2 logs received QTH is KN07LN. QTH KN06LN will be considered the correct one.
If the time difference is higher than 5 minutes, the QSO is scored 0 points.
The QSO will be scored 0 points for the participant who made this type of errors:
- wrong serial number received
- wrong QTH locator received
- or incorrect callsign reception (with or without /p)